HomeWeb & BusinessNews June 1 Sixthcontinent EXPO 2019 (and more)

News June 1 Sixthcontinent EXPO 2019 (and more)

HomeWeb & BusinessNews June 1 Sixthcontinent EXPO 2019 (and more)

News June 1 Sixthcontinent EXPO 2019 (and more)


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On May 18, 2019, the much awaited six-monthly event of the now established savings platform, the Sixthcontinent EXPO 2019, was held in Milan, where many new things and lots of people were seen (over 5,000!).

Let’s see them all (the news, not the people)!

What is Sixthcontinent

If you’re not registered yet, you can sign up to SixtContinent here (it redirects automatically to your native language).

We have written many times what is Sixthcontinent (SXC), so I will be very brief.

Essentially it is an online portal that you sign up for free that allows consumers to buy gift cards, normally sold by other stores, at advantageous prices, thus obtaining a reasonable saving(up to 50%!). The more “expenses” are conveyed through it and the greater the savings (here an example).

For companies, on the other hand, it is an advertising method that allows to get a good visibility.

If you’re interested you should take a look at the other articles on Sixthcontinent, considering the news that I will now present.

News Sixthcontinent EXPO 2019

I don’t like to lie. For this reason I confess right now that I didn’t go to the Sixthcontinent Convention on May 18th (I had to study for an exam on the 20th!), but I really wanted to be there.

But then what you write is just crap!

I try to stay updated through socials and news, but this is not always possible. I have however found those that I hope are all the essential information of the convention.

Nevertheless,if you have been lucky enough to attend the EXPO, I kindly ask you to confirm/deny/add details on the subject by leaving a comment below, so that even those like me who haven’t been there can read. Thank you!

United We Stand Project

By reading a SXC inventor’s post, we can learn that from June 1st to June 30th 2019 it will be possible to become a Sixthcontinent partner.

Booming strongly throughout Europe, SXC in 2018 had a revenue of 51 million, and in 2019, in just 4 months, it has already made another 45.

The project is in accordance to Consob (the italian authority for the supervision of financial markets) and managed by the specialized and authorized company Consob 200Crowd. In practice it is a crowdfunding that aims to bring Sixthcontinent to be listed on the stock exchange.

To become a partner of SXC you will need to spend at least 500 euros, a deliberately low amount to give as many people as possible the opportunity to join.

You can find more information here while here you can see the 200Crowd campaign.

Local buying groups (GAL)

Another news, which had already been anticipated some time ago, is the official presentation of Local Purchase Groups (GAL).

They allow you to join a circle of people from your area (province or city) to make bulk orders and, thus, further save on the shipping costs of the cards that have them.

Sixthcontinent encourages the formation of GAL and, although there is no legal constraint, there are some requirements:

  • registration for a GAL must be free
  • you will have to use the special “SXC GAL” logo

Removal of restrictions on the first purchase of the month

From 1 June 2019 there will be the removal of the obligation to purchase a sponsored offer or a minimum value on the first purchase of the month, which then becomes free.

This thing leaves me with many doubts.

Months ago, before they introduced the restriction on the first monthly purchase to prevent too many users from purchasing exclusively one card taking advantage of the accumulated monthly credit, there was already this degree of freedom.

Surely SXC has very well evaluated the consequences of this “return to the origins” so … we’ll see!

Transformation of the daily credit into monthly credit

I admit that I could have misunderstood this point a lot, so again, I kindly ask you to deny/confirm the news!

If what I think is true, we will see a distribution of credits (around 30-50 cents a day) no longer on a daily basis, but rather cumulative monthly (around 9-15 euros will be assigned in a single day).

This, really interesting, could be in connection with what we have said above, perhaps to avoid any form of speculation.

It should be emphasized that this may or may not be added to the monthly extra-profit.

Other news

  • More earnings by buying cards (from 50% to 85% margin)
  • improvement of the program concerning the sponsored, promising more prizes to those who buy them
  • More offers for SixthContinent Orange users
  • For users of the platform will be given the opportunity to buy a cruise ticket for 550 euros that from 26 to 30 September 2019 will sail from Savona and will touch Marseille and Barcelona.

    The post by Fabrizio Politi published on the SixthContinent social, very summary and effective in explaining what I have explained to you.

Sixthcontinent and the expansion projects in Europe

In addition to the crowdfunding project that we have already mentioned, there are indeed many (but many) new projects that SXC has put into account for the month of June.

I confess that keeping up with the continuous Politi news is not easy, but the coming months will be an avalanche of interesting information for which it is worth continually updating this article. But let’s go with order.

SixthContinent Convention in Portugal and Bitsa Card

Two SXC conventions are scheduled for June in Portugal:

  • June 14 (in Porto)
  • June 15 (in Lisbon)

Both will be attended by Fabrizio Politi who among other things will also present the Bitsa card.

SXC Blog

Well yes, it was missing and is now arrived. Ladies and gentlemen, here is the SixthContinent blog.

To tell the truth the rumors are not many, but we hope that on this platform the harsh veil of censorship(which – at least in the past – was a constant on SixthContinent’s social channels) is not applied.

Content marketing? Platform to include new offers? We’ll see why – I don’t know about you – but I’m somewhat intrigued!

Your opinion

Do you have more information? Have you been to the SixthContinent convention? Interested in the cruise? Will you attend the next Italian convention on November 16th?

Share your doubts with us!

Mi chiamo Ranieri Domenico Cornaggia, sono laureato in medicina e mi piace la tecnologia, il fitness e gli scacchi. Amo gli animali e le sfide!
Se hai trovato utile questa guida e vuoi supportare il mio lavoro, considera di offrirmi un caffè. Ogni contributo è molto apprezzato e mi aiuta a continuare a creare contenuti di valore.


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